Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 9/10 because no 999 and above plant doesn’t suit the rest of the dorm. On that topic, for instance the iced overplant of this hunt would suit it well IMHO. But overall I really like how you matched the items
  2. 8/10 it's cute but think it could use a few more black items to even it out a bit.
  3. 7.5/10 I really feel that nothing has a flow to it. And some items just don’t work ?
    Love the 999 and 499 though 
  4. Too many items don’t mesh well. 7/10
  5. 10/10 Everything matches pretty well and the mix of items is great
  6. 9/10  really beautiful dorm eventhough the couch is too brown and kinda odd compare to the rest of the dorm  Love the dogs btw ?
  7. 5/10. Not a huge fan of pastels.
  8. 9/10 I love the Halloween theme especially the 999. I just feel that the WP and Floor don’t match well
  9. 8.5/10

    Everything in your dorm seems subtle and ice themed and then your 999, 499, and above desk just don't really seem to fit that theme
  10. Beautiful dorm! 10/10!

    Tho the poster for whatever reason bothers me a bit but I think that is just personal taste. Love your nightstand/middle shelf snail theme!
  11. 9/10, pretty nice flow and mix of items :)
  12. 7/10, not bad but the poster doesn’t really vibe with it, and there’s no 999.
  13. 8/10 i like the dark wood aesthetic going on, but the 999 doesn’t match and i feel like you could find a better bed since the art style of yours makes it look out of place
  14. 9/10 love the colors
  15. 7/10 love the dorm but think the 999 is abit too much and doesn’t really go with the theme of the dorm
  16. 8.5/10 I love your dorm  super cute, the 499 is just a bit off from the theme ?
  17. 8/10 I love it being cozy but the 999 is kinda out of place with the moon wallpaper
  18. 10/10 nice theme... mine is so girly for a man..
  19. 7/10 only reason its not 10/10 is because it's a not really my style but it looks really nice Good job!