4. There was an attempt I’d prioritise getting a desk and 499 and then begin trading for matching furni!
9/10 vcute! I don’t know if the 999 matches that well because everything else follows a purple/ galaxy theme but still very nice Can whoever rates me please give me some bed recommendations that fit my room... kinda tired of the geode lol
Wow all these rooms are amazing! I looked at the whole page lol 10/10 for the one above me, I wouldn't change that bed but maybe a new poster would give you the change you crave. Current hunt poster would look very nice.
6/10 ur dorm is kinda all over the place and the 999 doesn’t match I put together my current dorm in like 5 min cause it’s for my RS so any feedback would be appreciated.? Still trying to think of a diff 999 to replace the geode with
7.5/10 The first part looks like you're going for some rustic, wintry look. But then the second and third parts are just your basic masculine dorm. It doesn't sync up well. Will edit with some 999ec recommendations pls hold
Edit time ran out but I'd recommend this hunt's 999ec in particular if you're gonna go for the wintry theme. Or any other stove/fireplace one
10/10 Everything seems pretty well together but the lamp... Maybe lotus lamp or some other floral lamps would fit better. And that tiny thingie is not worth the rate drop lol TO THE PERSON WHO GONNA RATE MINE;Please give me some recommendations. This room somehow happened to seem cool(imo) but i know i need a nightstand and above plant at least.
8/10 I definitely like where you are going with this room, it reminds me of mine a bit because of the color scheme. Neon wave prints may look cool on top of your desk because what’s there now doesn’t stand out much or match. Like you mentioned a night stand and above plant are needed. I love the rug, it’s one of my favorites in the game. Keep up the work and the room will look amazing! x
9/10, I like it and the flow, but the above bed and 499 seem a bit off. To whoever rates me, if you know someone with the punk show/Anarch poster u should lmk and recommend a 999 ?