Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. We aren't friends anymore. 7.89/10 I want that bed
  2. cute,but no 999 or bed...
  3. 1/10 m8.

    If i had yer dorm I'd drop stats and quit the game tbh
  4. 3.5/10 that's harsh
  5. 8/10, love the look of your room! The flag is a bit bright but hey, 'merica! I also feel like the bookshelf could mesh better but overall I love it!
  6. 8/10. I love the use of different hunt furniture. You've found things that blend well together and it looks so soothing.?
  7. 9/10- i would give all those bunnies a big cuddle 
  8. 8/10 almost like mine..!! Though I would rate mine may 6/10
  9. 9/10.. I like it... :)
  10. 9/10 everything matches so good :0
  11. 3/10 m8

    I only like your bed
  12. 7.5/10 same colour kinda gets boring ?