Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 10/10 love the hat rack
  2. 10/10 for those stats
  3. 8/10
    Some items don’t mesh well. Overall it’s a nice mix of bright colors.
  4. 10/10 i love it!  so floral and prettyy
  5. 10/10 our dorms are opposites 
  6. 10/10 I love your dorm tbfh, the colors go very well together and are so pretty
  7. 9/10 love the homey beach feel
  8. 10/10 damnn
  9. 10/10 I love the beige colour scheme :eek:
  10. 9 don’t really like the wallpaper
  11. 9/10 the poster doesn’t really go with it.️
  12. 9/10 you really need a 999
  13. 10 out of 10! Its perfect!!!!! 
  14. 9.5/10 mostly one hunt but nice dorm.
  15. 10/10 I like it!!
  16. 7 looks nice but its a bit plain ?
  17. 3/10 it’s pretty messy idek too much going on and everything over powers everything. Like the floor and wp too powerful makes everything look out of place
  18. It’s pretty good but imo I just don’t like that poster, doesn’t mean it’s worth change tho or anything