Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 10/10 for full dorm but 0/10 for creativity and personal preference.
  2. 10/10 really nice mixed dorm
  3. 8/10 your 999 and above plant look really out of place, but otherwise i think everything else is well put together
  4. 9/10 the floor doesn’t match the wallpaper very well
  5. 9 nice theme btw but aint complete so meh
  6. Noob dorm, incomplete, and nothing matches. 0/10.
  7. 10/10 I love it!
  8. 10/10
    I would rock your world in that bed?
  9. almost full dorm, nice! i like the theme ? 8/10
  10. I love that theme, 10/10
  11. 6/10 I really love the bed area of your dorm, the oranges mix well together! :) But the rest of your dorm is missing a few pieces or doesn’t flow well.
  12. 10/10 it's really pretty!
  13. 5 really mix matched
  14. 9/10 love the star theme
  15. 8/10 the 999 doesn’t really go with it.️
  16. 10/10 nice mix and match works well
  17. 9/10 looks like a secret mancave, very cozy