Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 8/10

    Almost there. Keep going. Get the rest of the furni and it'll be a 10<3
  2. 10/10 your dorm is soo beautiful bby
  3. 10/10 ? beautiful
  4. I want diamond please
  5. 9.5
    • 1
  6. 69/10 for your face

    9 for Vic’s room
  7. 8.5/10 because of above plant ?... it throws everything off 
  8. Absolutely to die for  9.5/10 no chair ever perfectly matches wicker 
  9. 7/10, parts of it look nice but a lot of the colors clash, like the bed or chair
  10. 9/10 love the biblio but I was never fond of that ugly doggo 499 ?
  11. 11/10  it’s simple but absolutely gorgeous and flows flawlessly 
  12. 10/10, omg! I wish I could live there 
  13. 10/10 love the colour choices ?
  14. 9/10 I will forever love the Biblio room
  15. 8.7/10 i dont like the above bed, lamp, or chair in your dorm but the colors are great! 
  16. 9/10 499 doesn't go but still looks good
  17. 10 don’t like a few things but it still looks amazing
  18. 9/10
    Not crazy about that 999
  19. 7/10

    floor, rug, 499ec, desk, and above desk look like they belong in a differently styled dorm.