Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 8/10. Starts off well
  2. 9/10 flows well except the desk
  3. 10/10, gurl where’d you get you above desk furni?
  4. 10/10 love the lushness of your dorm
  5. 9.5/10 Recreo  ?
  6. 8/10 ??? love the dorm .
  7. 8/10
    No 999 and while everything is color coordinated it just doesn't gel very well, maybe it's just me tho, or maybe it's the desk
  8. 8/10 ️
  9. 8/10 pretty class
  10. 7/10
    Not loving the bookcase and the plant is a bit bright for that section.
  11. 8/10. wallpaper and flooring look a bit out of place.
  12. You look a bit out of place
  13. @firebends
    I personally don’t like Geode furniture (I don’t know why it’s so popular) but your dorm is great in terms of flow, color scheme, mix match of hunt items, etc.
