Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 9/10. 999ec looks out of place but tbh i love that 999ec ??
  2. 8/10
    Everything just matches so well it looks great 
  3. 9/10 same for you xo
  4. 8.5/10 Really nice, looks clean AF ?
  5. 8 bcz of that bed and 999 
  6. @cupcakekiller
    8.5/10 Really nice dorm. Wallpaper looks good but the ceiling looks a little outta place. Dorm looks awesome tho!
  7. ^ Thank you both!

    7 will be better once a 999 is popped in 
  8. I'm working on it @cupcake. Looking for TOP10 coll-edge 999ec.
  9. 6: I feel drunk just from looking at your dorm
  10. 7/10 welcome to the dungeon!