Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 7/10
    same ish colour scheme but you need to have a similar feel and aestetic aswell
  2. I like this colour tho,haha thanks anyway
  3. 7/10
    Looks okei and nice
  4. 8 looks decent
  5. 100/10 tbh
  6. Did I win? 
  7. issa whole mess ? but a 4/10 i suppose
  8. 8/10
    499 and middle shelf item dont go ?‍♀️
  9. 9/10, i wish you had another 999, looks like a weird college meeting :(
    But i love the red bricks and the rest looks so nice together!
  10. 8/10
    I dont think your 499 works, especially on that rug
  11. 8 looks decent
  12. 10 I love your dorm, game on
  13. Wow The dragon 999 good so well with bf dorm.
    8/10 because the rug ruins it :(
  14. 8/10

    Pupper is cute ig
  15. 9/10 but overall adorable!