Rate my ava

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Snuggle, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. Lmfaoo I mean the stats on the Avi are great though 
  2. Aca-mazing.. not someone I'd marry tho.
  3. Huat. Is it cuz you're rAcIsT
  4. Bruh you're supposed to rate me. And it's cause I'm more of a red color person tbh.
  5. 20/10. Would marry but we'd be celibate
  6. Oh yes, cause I'm strictly Roman catholic. Still 9.9/10.
  7. 6
    He was hotter before he became Roman Catholic.
  8. 7.5/10 That's a dress i would wear
  9. 10/10 papi asf