Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GoddessOfTheWaters, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Ohhh.... No not really I get it a lot because of my name..
  2. Goddess this is not a place for text talk /\/00B
  3. What if I don't wanna

    B a z o o k a time!!!
  4. To bad !

    No bazooka..
  5. pwnd. you're really cool. okay? now get out.
  6. 
    And I'm the immature one! 
  7. -_______________- " We meet again...Kirby..."
    <(•.•)> "I'm dancing!"
    -_______________- "Your dancing displease's me!"
    ^(•.•)^ "Still dancing!"
    -_______________- "STOP THAT!"
    (>•.•<) "Stop what?"
    -_______________- "DANCIN'!"
    (>•.•)> "Nope"
    -_______________- "If you can't beat em, join em"
    <(•.•<) "You can't dance mofo"
    -_______________- "Biatch..."

    Whale and kirbys confratation...
  8. 
  9. So today I seen a girl go bobbing for apples in a all white t shirt  can you say Sexy!!!
  10. lol. I love how you come after me, Chloe. I should have guessed you would. elohel :D
  11. Goddess, obviously, since this thread was the first thing I saw. :roll:

    Is it a sin to troll on a thread, my brethren?