random chat room

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *allyjayking (01), Jun 16, 2011.

  1. That's not chicken man oops
  2. OH NO!!!! ITS EVIL IRON MAN :eek:
  3. Oh wow lmao good job
  4. For someone who didn't intend to be racist thats pretty messed up.
  5. That's not racist
  6. Fanchu I'm very upset about your hati picture

    In the first shot it was a scene from pokèmon emerald version yet in the next the trainer was not the emerald version trainer! He looked like he was before the fire red version!!!

    What the he'll fanchu I'm very disappointed in you
  7. Hey wats up biotches
  8. I found it online, not my fault :lol:
  9. [​IMG]

    You have failed ME FANCHU
  10. Go to your cellblock no gruel for you!
  11. I will kill you in 'your world'

    Extremely violently :twisted:
  12. All is forgiven
  13. and if you do that I'll kill you in SLASH

    extra violently