We die everything just for the fact of being gay. 50 of our people died and you're worried about a gift in an iPhone game? Cut me some slack. Seriously go get a life
I have to point out that ATA doesn't only focus on a specific group or country to honor with gifts. Remember we just recently had an event where the proceeds of doctors notes went to helping out with that fire in Canada. That wasn't even the first time ATA had an event like that. Unfortunately we can't pay our respects for every tragedy that happens. It's pointless to turn ATA's efforts into something negative.
This vigil is soo cute.....I think this is a lovely we lost so many people because of Islamic people, don't get me wrong I have met a lot of nice Islamic people and they are so sweet but the one who are throwing gay is buildings and beheading them, and all I have to say is no wonder people are scared to come out because of stuff like this going on in the world Make love not war guys ♡
did u really need to espouse ur fallacious islamophobic bs on this thread of all threads... did u really
I forgot to say that everyone has bad people in there "religions" but we're in 21st century and love will always be win....and I love everyone and I think everyone is equal... So don't try and make out I'm rasist Hun ♡
Does anyone want to help me send vigils to people, especially the ones asking for spam, with a little note on it. If you want to help out pm me ?
I thought nobody would say anything. I'm not saying that what happened wasn't a tragedy, but I feel like we should have this 'candle vigil' for EVERY incident that happens... Nice gesture, not the right time to do it..sad