[RAFFLE WINNERS] Semi Finals - July 4th

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Why I didn't get it
  2. Lol, when will I ever win these things.
  3. Hey guys,

    It's a random raffle, from the winning team's tickets.
    The more tickets of the winning team that you have, the higher you chances of winning.
  4. Considering there are over 10,000 players it sucks. Chances of winning or hard
  5. It depends on luck and the number of winning ticket you have. If you really want to win, then get yourself more tickets :)
  6. Total luck.

    I have 1 Brazil ticket, and there are some winners here who has 1 ticket only as well.

    Congrats all!

  7. Congrats guys! Especially to my jena 
  8. I have 31 brazil ticket.. But no luck in raffle...
  9. Brazil didn't win 
  10. Wait, lol yes they did.. My god I'm such a noob ???
  11. * Quarter finals
  12. I got a ticket for Brazil but did not get prize...
  13. Finally! I never win anything usually. Woohoo!!! Thanks Pimd
  14. Im one of the 5 lucky ones :eek: wow :')
  15. Weren't these the Quarter Finals? 
  16. no luck T_T