Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. US must win Tuesday ? I want the mascot  I could only afford one ticket but I bet mine is amazing
  2. I only bought 1 ticket of each Pimd. I must be really lucky.
  3.  can afford also only one  hoped I get one from my country Netherlands  but no!
  4. you not lucky greed! you just slept with pimd! damn damn haha :p anyways congrats bro and pls tell pimd to choose my name too :p
  5. I had 51 Tickets and no win???just a waste of ec as always
  6. It's because you're bloody Greedy Alan ?
  7. Will there be some sort of reward for those who didn't win but bought tickets for all the winning teams? I've predicted all of them correctly but haven't won?
  8. Bought no ec and won The drop and flag. I slept with pimd and lied about how great it was, guess it worked cuz I won lol
  9. Pup pats u better gift me
  10. Acestes, so that was you on the other side of pimd's bed??
  11. Haha ewww
  12. Why i didnt win ??
  13. Yes Greedy, see you ain't so greedy after all. I expect the Greece moscot after they win today. Pimd promised to select my ticket if I did clown rp lol
  14. Screw you Pimd I QUIT!

  15. My luck didn't come yet...
  16. @pimd, how about we predict the score? Predict who win is easy. :lol:
  17. People complaining cuz they don't have te ec flags...I have four 100m ones that's it...
  18. its like gambling...to use our tickets??
    so rare.....