
Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. What parties dropping anyone found one yet?
  2. Oh goodie, all weak ass female avis 
  3. Don't care if you make one high str male avi to balance out last hunts high female. But you made ALL the female avatars weak str. You didn't make all male ones weak last hunt. It's crap
  4. pls do it any party drops not only cc and ppa
  5. Nvm, it just transformed into a key. Must have been a tad of a lag. Ignore me ?
  6. My quokka!  Thank you pimd!!!
  7. You never knew when will stop,don't you,ATA? ?
    Event per event,never stop.so tired 
  8. You don't have to participate in all lmao.
  9. Some people have guitar picks and keys in their spinner... I don't ?
  10. @pimd You know what's better than a quokka? Llamas ? I think you should bring another animal from the camelid family on to the game  like a camel for hump daayyyy ? maybe a farting camel ??
  11. Force close your application and clear the cache. It helped me
  12. Can I have picks on my spinner? Lol.
  13. Im not even allowed to use spinner. I emailed them and they dont care. So if yall dont have picks on your spinner, be happy you can at least use spinner.
  14. How come all the girl avas are intel build?
  15. Just finished Fits at knk, No drops.
  16. First spin I got tents..

  17. Although nothing is better than a quokka, I totally support and want this now :lol: