
Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. And new 10b-50b gifts :D
  2. I'd like t request a 1trillion gift max 5 with stats of 1/1cs ??maybe a golden catfish slap
  3. Hate the last 2 hunt. Cant get avatar that we like after trying so hard. Damn angry and frustrated!!!
  4. This is not a hunt. It's all about luck. Bring back the reasonable tiered hunts, at least there we know if we'll get the ava or not.
  6. support
  7. What she meant was bring back the hunts where only people(like her) in b2b or dropping cats for flash get avatars 
    It's been really funny watching you all cry now
  9. Just realized that the avi Bohemian Dream is Kendall Jenner Coachella 2015 :lol: