[QUIZ] Daily Monday Quiz

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Aisling, Feb 12, 2021.

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  1. 1. What is the most searched forum discussion?
    2. Who are the ones who can start a new thread discussion?
    3. Who mostly posts about the new hunt events on forum?
  2. 1. What are the common issue in pimd a few months?
    2. What are the most violation that the players do in pimd?
  3. 2000
  4. I dont know just a guess
    1. What is the name of the forum where you can find the 'Stories Tiers and Rewards' thread?
    2. You can NOT edit or delete your post in a thread made by who?
    3. You can "watch" which two things?
  5. Q1: What was the topic of first thread ever created in PIMD Forum?

    Q2: Who was the player who re-posted the new tutor-prices in the thread?

    Q3: When was the thread for finding relationship partner created?

    Q4: Who created the thread for the tutorial on how to attach photo/s in the thread using imgur?
  6. Feels illegal but not:

    1.Hiring tutors without approval
    2. Mods selling PIMD crates and PIMD crate items

    -Sett- and MizzRedd like this.
  7. Feel illegal but isn't:

    1. Stealing the spotlight the second before xc is over to claim #1 spot without really trying.
    2. Getting dns out of a PIMD/MOD crate being a possibility
    MizzRedd likes this.
  8. What Feels Illegal but isn't:

    1. Farming someone's rs. It's against the rules to ask for break up as CF but there's no rule saying you can't farm their rs (although feels very illegal)

    2. Spamming World Chat (this used to get you silenced so still feels forbidden)
  9. Feels illegal but isn't :

    1. Getting an avi of opposite gender from boxes

    2. Getting failed hits during invite parties cause you're a noob ๐Ÿคก
    MizzRedd likes this.
  10. Feels illegal but isnโ€™t
    1) hiring someone after their original pup walls you not to
    2) entering an advertised premium party on campus chat for free
    J6538, -Sett- and Diona like this.
  11. Feels illegal but isn't:

    1. Winning or placing on leaderboards in Rate my Room! event without following the theme ๐Ÿ˜‚

    2. Doing spins in spinner and all you can get are cash and dns only ๐Ÿ˜”
  12. 1)Getting hit/farmed in general
    2)Stealing tuts from others
    3)Hitting a ec party without gifting๐ŸŒ
    HeartsJourney likes this.
  13. Feels illegal but isnt:

    Going inactive without reason
    Lurking around in club chat for awhile without answering
    Forgetting to reply to someone
    Spamming/Writing alot in club chat
    Forgetting to do your admin work
    Hiding your cash
    Forgetting that ur pet in here has birthday
    Going to a flash and missing parties
    Being in a flash and forgetting to put on care pack
    When people dont come to the flashes so it gets cancelled before/in the first party
    Planned flashes clashing
    Pimd crashing while flash is on
    Accidentally using dn because u didnt disable the nurse popups
    HeartsJourney likes this.
  14. Stuff that feels illegal (or as invation of privacy) being able to stalk any one ๐Ÿ˜‚
    And also scamming, tho it should be illegal or sanctioned, scamming people to do/give something
    HeartsJourney likes this.
  15. Feels illegal but isn't
    1. Farming mod and asking for cf
    2. Stripping other people's tutor
    HeartsJourney likes this.
  16. 1. Being a lowballer
    2. Be a profiter in the game (buy cheap sell more)
    HeartsJourney and MizzRedd like this.
  17. 1. High stat player farming low stat player
    2. Be a hired farmer
    HeartsJourney and MizzRedd like this.
  18. Using chibis as money.

    Exploiting the upgrade glitch during Premium parties
    HeartsJourney and MizzRedd like this.
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