
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ltachi, May 24, 2018.

  1. my kokoro you pleb
  2. My KoKoRo YoU pLeB

    Does it look like I know wtf that is?
  3. This is why you're the pleb.
  5. I loose faith in people when they drop jaco references where it's not even needed.
  6. Idk what all the fuss is about tbh

    Still haven't seen the legend himself
  7. He's not a legend , you are like hyping batman vs superman at this point while everyone and their mother knows it's absolute trash.
    don't do that.
  8. Vapers for lyfe
  9. I quit for 6 month's! I went to a casino and started back. I knew I was in the fault. SOMETHING told me to read this. Must be a sign to put them down !!! Legit. "Kell stop!" Lol
  10. It really is a sign.
    God is watching
  11. Smoking no good but snorting coke is very good :)
  12. i prefer pepsi
  13. Noses are too precious to ruin. Who cares about lungs?
  14. Tru doesn’t believe the hype. Tru appreciates all the contributions the Tabacco industry has made to all the cash flow.
  15. whats tabacco
  16. Damn most people on forums are slang asf

  17. Well this is your sign to stop!

  18. It'a been about 3 years since i've actually spent money on here. But as they said, you cant tell someone how to spend the money they make lol.

    Also it doesnt matter who they are. It doesnt change the message they're trying to put through