Questions about RS

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -ItsZee-, Jun 10, 2019.

  2. This will gimme nightmare
  3. What is the sloth plushy from the hunt boxes worth
  4. Is that even legal?
  5. Who said it needs to be legal
  6. It's trash
    Send it to me
  7. O in that case
  8. *reports for illegal*
  9. Report me again and so help me I will do nothing because thanks
  10. Shut up A cup.
  11. no one can be born catholic. you have to get baptised in the catholic church first, and you need to be already born to be baptised. :?

  12. LMAO, spot on
  13. Stats bonus, rs gifts, dates, someone who'd gift you hunt gifts, someone who can post on your wall when it's lonely, someone who will (maybe) be possessive of you and etc.
  14. So are you saying I haven't been born yet?
  15. Is anyone trading their avis here?
  16. Ty guys. idk if I can have this closed, some crazy stuff just happened.
  17. 50 up for grabs. Wall me offer.
  18. inb4lock