
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TimPlays, May 31, 2019.

  1. You've posted multiple times in the past few days and you're here rn, I'd say you're pretty active
  2. it all depends on ur post count spam crap get that post up and bammmm you’re a forumer
  3. Just be an active participant in forums. There aren't any set rules, really, but if you become a semi-recognizable name I would say you're one.
  4. Oof I dont feel like spamming :( Goodnight
  5. So If I spam forums I become a forumer?
  8. Me ? A psychotic Knucklehead who keeps changing ign once every month.
  9. Wdym. I'm big tough irl
  10. Wow I'm a new for ern neer
  11. What?
  14. Thank you blessed son.
  15. No u
  16. Yo momma

  17. Brat
  18. I bet you smell like nerd :(
  19. There hasn’t been any rly good threads to comment on lately :,(
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