PVP Changes: Misc Rebalance, Matchmaking, and Peace Tags

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Strange, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. No support to both, but double no to the peace tags.
  2. Misc was something that was used by free to play players to help keep up as best they could with players who can drop hundreds in IRL cash on the game. It made things a bit more fair, but there were more negatives than positives to it as players were finding many and I mean many ways to exploit the system with misc items.
    3rd party trading with real life currency for loads of misc is now almost dead with this change which is brilliant and a good thing.
    Over powered alts also dead another brilliant thing.
    This peace thing is not going to balance out how strong stripping will be, because simply players will be able to make alts with tons of cash to sit under peace and strip whoever they target.
    Without concern or need to worry about collecting funds on f their main account. I could just simply for a large majority of time keep my alt or even myself self pinned to parties and collect as much strip funds as I please and when ready simply break the peace or wait for its expiration to go crazy on my target.
    Granted it's only 8 hours now so it's not going to be that big of an issue, but if it becomes prevelant then this will be a major popular thing to do.
    I don't know if this has already been considered or is the intention, but I personally don't feel comfortable not being able to do something about some under peace constantly collecting cash to strip me when I sleep. I'd like to have the ability to try prevent or have something to help better aid me in trying to stop this.
    I know many would say just put up a peace while you sleep, but Im certain that there's going to be a great ease of access to these peace (shields?) to have one up every time I am asleep

  3. This.
  4. They got 1 day passes. Not just 8 hours
  5. LMFAO :lol:
  6. people who go for lb buy dns for flashes, ecs packs, vip lounge, etc. just to get on t10/100 so it’s hard to believe that more farmers spend more on dns than others going for lb each hunt.
  7. They're working towards it tbh. ATA if you're gonna get rid of farming then stop making us suffer first and just pull the plug already. All these "changes" or "fixes" or trying to please both sides is complete bull. There's a CF and strict CF payment guidelines for a REASON. This completely undermines all of our efforts as farmers. We're already restricted enough as it is
  8. Misc was very free to ply friendly and I agree quite a few players will hurt from this change.
    In the end though it's making it fair for others and is addressing a lot of the negative exploits players are finding and using with misc.
  9. Pretty excited about the change. I like that all aspects of the game are being better balanced.

  10. I want to be clear that these numbers are the ones used to calculate your misc cap. Scroll down to find them in your profile. Thank you everyone for your questions!
  11. Pimd is becoming a best avatar / rp competition. It is BOGUS.

    I WASTED MY 100th post on this. Lemme go cry now.
  12. Y’all realize all this basically means is that you can’t put 5bcs misc on an empty 2mcs account and smack 40mcs players anymore 

    So now you have to actually grow your Tb to be strong. And When you strip ppl, it’ll lower their misc cap and make them weaker all the way around. Where as before stripping ppl didn’t make them weaker at all if they had misc.

    Tho I do think 4x tut bonus was a little extreme  vip on tut lb got a massive cap
  13. Zero support

    Zero support,ATA really?Whoever came up with this”Brillant”Idea needs to be sat down and asked to explain to us how this benefits players who had had sleepless nights playing,I can as well get the peace thingy and sleep comfortably,after all,what is tvhere to loose,SMH
    What a shame
  14. Oh Lawdy I completely missed that and knowing that much more just makes me all the more stern on my view about the passes
  15. Noooooooooo

    Zero support,ATA really?Whoever came up with this”Brillant”Idea needs to be sat down and asked to explain to us how this benefits players who had had sleepless nights playing,I can as well get the peace thingy and sleep comfortably,after all,what is tvhere to loose,SMH
    What a shame
  16. The stats on your profile (next to your avi) are NOT the ones being used to calculate your misc cap. The stats in this pic are the numbers you should use ?‍♀️
  17. There's not going to be*
  18. What the literal fuck is this garbage ?
  19. I think you'll lose half of PIMD for this. Like misc is the only thing valuable now than the dorm obviously. There's a reason y selling misc us higher now Ata.
    I'm sorry but this is yhe first time i don't like thw update :(
  20. Absolutely no support.