PVP Changes: Misc Rebalance, Matchmaking, and Peace Tags

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Strange, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. Love it. Yes to peace
  2. Because it isn’t  doesn’t even make sense
  3. I hate these peace tags, will we ever be able to trade them to people who will actually use them, they are just sitting in my showcase and the store apparently won't let me sell them...
  4. No. Trading would be so so much worse, just forget they’re there and it’ll be fine
  5. So I’m curious. I’ve won several peace tags on spinner and I read this to figure out what they were. Then I went looking for them in my items but didn’t see them and you mentioned a door knob the buy in the store but I didn’t see one of those available at all. So basically the ones I win on the spinner are pointless and I have to pay the EC if I wanted to use one??? Just curious and trying to figure it all out you never know when you may need to use one.
  7. I really like the idea of the peace tag, even when I used to ask nicely not to hire or hitting. They kept going. Yesterday I got hit and threatened by a girl name Polite and she sent a me a note that if I not cf she will farm me and hire my tuts. So same goes to a player named Ghost. He kept hiring my RS and he didn’t care. So now I’m at this point saving piggy banks to be able to hire him back. I’ll give thanks to Single who help. And I know most of us are called “party fairies”, we are getting tired of it. I know hitting, farming or stripping is part of the game but a lot of us we just want to have a good time during parties. Once again Thank You ATA.
  8. Change peace pass so that they can't hit parties either
    Cntrol likes this.
  9. First off, how are y'all going to take out the mcs if the whole point of this game is to hit parties to win them and when it comes to pvp the cf is mcs so.. by taking that you're making the whole game pointless. Also, how can my main who's 20 mcs can be hit by a 120 mcs acc ? I've tried hitting and it says that the opponent is too strong but yet again he can hit me. This "rebalancing" was the worst thing because now you can't protect yourself from anyone and you can't hit back. Thanks for killing the pvp ata. Now to make it even worse throw a peace tag so you cam get bullied because you're a "party fairy" lmao.
  10. Oooooo. Interesting suggestion
  11. Mate misc isn't pointless. If you take a step back you'll find your very likely nowhere near your misc caps. Your misc caps depend on you and how much you invest into upgrading your dorm mates and what you invest in tutors. I bet if you work it out you'll find you are far from your caps.
    As for the situation with 120mcs player I'd suggest making a ticket and asking support directly.
    A lot of players come hot headed making rants about misc being useless (without working their caps out and realizing they're actually far from their caps) and saying pvp is dead etc etc.
    It's not take a step back and chill Ata addressed a very serious issue with misc. It was simply too strong and needed the cap. The cap system is honestly fair and a player can easily increase their caps through dorm mate ugs and investing in bigger tb.
    Also hound your rs to ug more since rs bonus is taken into affect with the calculations ?

  12. Listen here "mate", I'm way over my cap I have 10 bcs and half of it I can't use and my rs is 8 mcs bigger than me. For me, misc IS useless. I sent a ticket to ata and they sent me a generic ass reply that didn't even answer the question. Ata needs to bring back the misc. If you get hit? Start blocking and ignoring people, they get bored easily.
  13. ^ why you using an alt to post tho? That’s worse than a misc cap
  14. Might be a Nub that's forum banned ?
  15. 20mc main? 10bcs misc?

    ... ?
  16. ^I believe them. I too have an abnormally high misc bonus for my stats
  17. Sounds like your grew with cat cafe + a lot of money illegitimately has gone into purchasing misc but maybe that's just me.
  18. so what if your more strength then intell and your close to max on intell misc what happens then