Put a stop to scamming.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 20, 2022.

  1. Also be aware of trusted trader scam they ask u to trade stuff as gift and asking for posting trusted trader before u send them ur items and they don't pay same with dvp and tut strip better ask and find some well known person ( some are legit but still trade only with trade option)
  2. This forum post is now 2 years old. Can anyone update me on what’s new from the dev team lately? Or any “new” trendy scamming techniques to look out for?
  3. Hi, as per the request of the devs this thread was made.

    It has some examples, but I can update it with more that we’re aware of :)
  4. Up to chu~ I’ll just drop by from time to time to update myself
  5. 🤧 thanks for letting us know 👉👈🥺 ATA 😗
  6. Fr fr damn that's not the site looking for lmao 😂
  7. Guyz my account Has been hacked and i lost lots of things so please urgently Help me to get unlinked hackers account from my game
  8. Send a help ticket. Only the devs can help you
  9. Oh, I got banned for warning people about a new scam because I didn't crop the player's name. Y'all could've told me what I did instead of making me investigate all my comments. Brb, gonna crop the pic and post it again because PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW!!!
  10. Send help ticket. Surely ata know you help lots
  11. You guys have someone in ATA or an imposter trying to get money from people reporting scammers to you. I have photos to prove it and would like this solved.
    Grinchyyyyy likes this.
  12. There’s two named: ATAsinister (On PIMD) and ATATokyo(On discord: .lifeoftokyo.
  13. Send a help ticket they dont monitor forums
  14. I just find this whole post funny tbh considering the fact yall silence players for calling out scammers.
    HannahLecter, Grinchyyyyy and Dorkthy like this.
  15. Ign: icaa
    IGN: Reverie
    They are all the same person. Their main is ICAA. They are scammers. Please beware and cautious. will be reporting these to ata also. 🩷
  16. For the past few months I get a few similar usernames trying to add me everyday on this account and other alts. One is Emma that has added Mr so many times now, it's always Emma and then she just change the numbers. I also got a Kayleigh that adds me too. ATA, please. I never add these people, but it's highly annoying and frustrating with all these friend requests. We really need a button where we can turn off the ability to receive friends requests. This has been a problem since day one. There are always random noobs adding people and everyone find it annoying.
  17. So you mean to tell me the money I donated to reviving Mufasa was a scam 😩😩
  18. I'm so tired of ign WileECoyote for scamming innocent players! They are getting more and more bold with it too! Walling and messaging people to buy their furniture (beds, desks, 499s) for a BENTO?! Like what?! And all they are going to do with them is resell them for triple the price! Its people like them who are the reason why the pricing market is so jacked up right now...
    bloodhoney likes this.