Prototype top10 things for new players to know/do

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kefo, May 19, 2020.

  1. Need suggestions please.

    I don't even know what to call this. And there's lots of room for replacing things. It also feels a bit long and wordy. Not as snappy as I had originally made it but players provided feedback when I sent it to them and it's changed a lot over the past 3 weeks.

    This is a post that can be sent to new players so they can learn the game quickly and set up their account to a reasonable degree without imposing any particular play style too much.

    Main impositions are advising people to avoid even builds, to join clubs, to upgrade their dorms, help out other new players, and to avoid dead-end clubs.

    I don't advocate trading because in the early stages of the game, players often just get ripped off.

    Tempted to include a "press every button" kind of thing, but idk.


    Any suggestions?
    Evughhh, Day and Muschi like this.
  2. I’m obviously biased since I like forums, but I think it’s beneficial to eventually teach them how to find different things within forums.

    And although I agree that trading often leads to them getting taken advantage of, I think it should still be explained in some way? So that they know what is and isn’t normal in a trading situation.
    Zelda likes this.
  3. 11💡 If you need more info, seek out a more experienced player, or search the strategy and guides sections in forums

    Have to keep it relatively simple since this is meant to be usable by baby players.

    Recommend they stay with the pinned threads at first, too?

    And trading would probs be in like 10-20.

    Could probs combine both pointers about volleying people to 1b.
    Day likes this.
  4. Yeah, staying to pinned threads is a good idea for sure. Just so they have some way to check for information really!

    Trading is in the tutorial now, so that’s the only reason I thought it should be taught early ish.

    It’s inevitable that players will trade at some point, so it’s a good idea to take countermeasures against potential manipulators.
  5. Stick to pinned threads and/or the guide subforum, because there's some great guides that are not pinned.

    Edit: I would also be more explicit about what "a more experienced player" is too because a lot of new players might consider anyone more experienced than them and may come across misinformation from other well-meaning newer players. Not sure how to go across people more explicit though. Maybe say mcs players?
    Day likes this.
  6. Yeah. Guides is good
    Muschi likes this.
  7. I think it’s hard to define an “experienced player” since I’ve met people around my size who barely know much about game mechanics.
    Victoria and Muschi like this.
  8. I think the only vetted ones is encourage them to seek out mods and honor students, but there aren't a lot of honor students and we can't expect them and mods to be able to handle every new player that comes asking questions. Especially since mods have other official responsibilites.

    Maybe encouraging them to try to get information from a few separate sources, to verify the information. Like, encourage a new player to have several unrelated helpful players they go to with questions, so they aren't relying on just one person's thoughts.
    Victoria and Day like this.
  9. Of course but better they ask than not.

    Even a flawed response is better than no response, but if they know that nobody knows everything, and just get a few perspectives on an issue, the quality of information on the game will improve overall.

    Muschi likes this.
  10. Ah yes, it’s unfortunate that there aren’t more HS since that would be a nice way to refer new players...but your idea is good! I think gathering information from multiple people and comparing is a nice way to ensure that they’re getting a more accurate answer.
    Muschi likes this.
  11. I think misinformation isn’t helpful though Kefo, so they should take most information with a grain of salt.
    WhoTfIsWesday and Muschi like this.
  12. Running out of characters trying to fit that in and explain it.

    This is gonna have to make the rounds through PM's.
  13. Top 10 tips.

    1🍄⬆️ Improve the crew in your dorms. Rent new rooms and replace weak crew mates. Try to skip tiers and focus on building EITHER strength💪 OR intelligence🧠
    2💲 Ask people to hire you until your hire value is above 1b. This will make you lots of money, fast.
    💲 Hire active people so they can upgrade.
    3🔐 Save your doctors notes (Dns)
    4💡 cs stands for combined stats.
    💪strength + intelligence🧠
    5💲 Hire tutors worth 15m for every 1,000cs (1kcs) in your base stats / 15b for every 1Mcs. You will make ~2.4x the amount of money from parties and pvp.
    6💗 Go club-shopping. Visit some clubs and find some that you like.
    7💲 Use your energy to hit other people, parties, or jobs. Try not to let it stay full.
    8⛓️ Link your account to an email address. This will let you log in to your account.
    9🤝 Trade items that you are familiar with. PIMD has a free economy.
    10💡 If you need more info. There are 2 main sources.
    Experienced players👨‍🎓 Many experienced players are misinformed, so be sceptical.
    Forums📑 Go to forums and search pinned threads and the 'guides' sub-forum. Pinned threads are trustworthy.
  14. How do I join a club
  15. If you didn't want to go in depth w trading you could also just mention that they beware of older players (or smol accounts that really seem like they know what they're doing, because usually people create those alts to manipulate newer players) because they might get scammed. And something about always using the trading system if they choose to trade and not trusting people who insist they gift.
    Muschi likes this.
  16. Go on a club's page and hit the big green "Join" button.
  17. I see a lot of new players that know the basics of how to ug (to hire dorms) but for some reason it’s taking them longer than it should to get there? For example I’ve been in clubs that allow newer players but create a tag indicating they have so long to reach a certain stat to ensure they’re moving up. And they sometimes act like that’s not possible. So I think it’d be effective to lay out the best way to buy dorms for each combo being high strength or intel, as well as max plunder on parties so it’s easier for them to get the cash they need quicker. I know there are threads that go into those things already but I think the way they’re set up has a lot of info on pvp that newer players probably don’t need yet as well as terms that they might not know yet. Asking them to then find the thread with common terms and go back and forth is a lot. So maybe just a very basic simple starter and then once they get the hang of it they could look into it deeper on those other threads
  18. Basically, ask them to go through guides and not be afraid to ask questions.
    Try to find a club that completes parties and seek guidance from other club members.
    It's a game. Make mistakes. But don't repeat them. Also, get good at rp. Jk.
  19. ... Okay now I'm committed to making room for that.
  20. Don't tell nubs about forums pls ty