this is lovely and all but also a player-organized league was taking place and it was in forums weeks in advance ) don't the devs check forums?
Jesus Christ, it's a 24hr war I assume? So you only miss 1/3 of promo , not like there isn't gonna be more promo in future :?
Yeah seriously .. It's not like most pvp clubs gonna be making LCBC from 2x pvp anyhow , it would be nice if devs threw us a bone occasionally ... Rememer ATA you guys had the player appreciation and we had 2x pvp for brief time, so it's not like they don't have the code for it :?
What the players decide to do is they're own problem, and honestly I don't even know why people complain, if you want to war just war and if you want to party you should do it also, there's no need to complain all the time just because we think we have the right to have it all. :6