[Prom Wars]The War-drobe Walk-Offs

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. Could the next event be war based? I've done nearly all the hunts since they first came into being and they're all pretty much the same which makes them pretty tedious (and kind of boring to be frank).

    If the hunts could get an entirely new design and and feel that would be awesome. I don't think there's a need to always offer the same sort of rewards either (though I will freely admit that I do enjoy the avatars).

    Maybe something bracket based (kind of how they do with basketball or American football) as far as wars are concerned. It could be a team based thing where you sign up with other players at the same time or the standard random pickings that we have and you get matched up against a similar opponent in your bracket (stat range). You keep duking it out until you either get knocked out the bracket (lose) or come out on top and win the whole thing.

    This can just be a mini-event. Or a lot of mini-events. A main thing needed to make this work though would be that the 2 hr wait time would have to be reduced significantly. Obviously reward-wise DNs are far more valuable and coveted than avatars or any of the typical rewards you guys usually offer.