[Prom Wars]The War-drobe Walk-Offs

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. Chill. Better to be on SGT timezone. How about those who live in India?
  2. ★ whats my time? 
    I don't understand what are:
    etc 
  3. You need to know where you live to know your time:
    Pst: west coast USA
    Est: east coast USA
    GMT: Greenwich mean time- uk and Ireland
    SGT: Singapore

    I think for the evening wars it should be 11pm GMT as we're currently on GMT 1 and 8 hours ahead of PST
  4. Also remember that they can't list every Timezone in the world. You can check it pretty easily
  5. And I believe India is 5 hours ahead of GMT. Not 100% though. Add 5 hours to the GMT time and you should be about there
  6. Shouldn't there be a sign up on our profile by now? War starts in just over 3 hours from now
  7. Thanks for picking my idea @pimd. I like the tweaks you made as well! 
  8. Signups start 3 hours before the start of the war.
    So roughly 5 minutes from now.
  9. That's such a short sign up period usually you give us longer than that. It's going to be really easy to miss that 1 hour window to sign up

    Wow 1 hour.

  11. So that less inactive lol. Why still complain?
  12.  missed that one

    I do have a life too

    Because of a toothbrush I missed the signups
    Very great

  13. Where does CST fall in comparison 2 zones listed plz & ty?
  14. Every war feels like my first war or is it just me? it feels like the first time, it feels like the very first time
  15. Wow do you people not know how to Google timezone comparisons? 
  16. That #69
  17. in war now and there is no updating of plunder thought u should know!