Prom Walkthrough.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by CatLady, May 30, 2014.

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  1. Why are you farming me justin? All I wanted was free cc from your club
  2. Not you Wallace lol.
  3. It's not my club  and I'm not jealous. I could really give a fuck less.
  4. So the last 10 in the club have to drop a cat for others who might never drop one?
  5. That's actually a really good idea Annie, I'll stop by.
  6. Ahh of course you don't give a fuck.
    But you cared enough to comment on it and argue about it.

    Fucking idiots everywhere on PIMD.
  7. Yeah you're one of them lol
  8. Like yourself.
  9. Tysm for this awesome thread!!! Please bump if it disappears!!
  10. Raven is right, why make 10 people drop cats for freeloaders. :/
  11. So much hate on this thread, thank you Shai this is an amazing thread  really amazing how you broke down how much we will need for a certain goal. Pizza pop gives about 17 btw if you haven't listed it already  looking forward to your next one ️️ .. Hope this bb code worked, not used to doing these things 
  12. this would have been an awesome thread until the ad haha, if you guys have cat donors then people without cats wont be allowed to come to party. I mean most do that but still
  13. That colour is painful to read
  14. Let me in your club before I start hitting members damn it
  15. better raven? 
  16. :roll: She's just trying to help gosh. I don't think she's forcing anyone to drop cats for them, if they want to drop their cat then that's out of their own goodwill. But again, why would you advertise on a guide thread? Just make a separate thread /).(\
  17. We save the last spots for people who want to stay without kicks for 1.5 to 3 days.

    Those are donors.

    Mercs are allowed to stay as long as they have under 3,000 items and are active. We kick them once they're over that amount or aren't active at kick time. This is not freeloading, it's the community banding together to help as many people complete the hunt as possible.
  18. ?Do you know how long I've been waiting for this.gosh.
  19. ️ I think it's a great idea, only cc club to help community without fully forcing you to have what they want
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