Prom Avatar is out now!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. Got it already!!  Thank you PIMD 
  2. ^Dat "them" doe
  3. I'd like to see that one as an avi in the future too, same with some of the Pizza Avis that didn't win.
    You guys come up with some truly awesome ideas and I'd hate for them to go to waste.
  4. Yeah, we'd have to change it up, couldn't be the superman symbol directly, but could be Pimdman or something.
  5. Pimd I sure hope you aren't still at work at this time  get some sleep! Lol
  6. You could ask the original artist to change it up for you if you're gonna do it so it stays authentic?
  7. I'm gonna farm you pimd :evil:
  8. Oh noes! The fears! I haz it.
  9. Pimd do you ever think players would be able to ever use forums from computers?
  10. Players could indeed use forums on pc I think.  Oh well, it asked me for a pw and a username and I don't know what to put.

  11. pimd is your avatar wearing diaper?? that pant looks soooo tight lol
  12. we'll we could use our ata accounts..I mean trees a choice to make oneto link account
  13. Guys, "There's a time and a place for everything but not now"

    Yeah that's totally a Pokemon quote. Ohhh the memories :lol:
  14. (─■°)0(°)─■i hate u pimd. U never walled meh
  15. Meh pimd left, night guys :D
  16. Hey hulk look at my wall?
  17. How much ec will it cost?
  18. I... Need...

    Pimd's... Name... On... My...

  19. you can't you gotta be a priest of the pimdness
  20. pimd plz plz take back my ava and give me few ecs or dns itll be way better than this *****