Ok Stop complaining to pimd You know she's just doing her job You wanna be mad, be mad at the devs Spam support or something, lol
But I ain't mad doe ? We all had the option to do the hunts. Some did. Some didn't. The ones that did get weird avatars. The ones that didn't get nothing. That's life bro. YOLO.
@PIMD I will make sweet passionate love to you and all the devs who work there if you make the stat bonus on these avatars worth it. Please give me a thumbs up
We have to understand though, the new different avatars take time to make. Ata released this hunt shortly after the Easter hunt because of all the great feedback so they didn't have a lot of time to create something new, leading to the redesigned avatars. That's my take on the situation but I'm still looking forward to my prizes
Best place to say if you don't like it, is actually this thread. I'm the messenger from the devs to you, and from you to the devs. But you know, don't shoot the messenger, or you won't get anymore gif battles with me : P
True peeta, thankfully I never aim for Avis but that's my choice... I'd rather be helping others complete their goals.