President Foot

Discussion in 'Wars' started by InactiveZed, May 30, 2013.

  1. That was a accident my finger slipped
  2. Ill farm Foots main
  3. If you farm me il reset and have to cry myself to sleep daily do you really want that on your conscious?
  4. Is this the time for wifey to start the foot hate club  we shall serve soup for dinner every night
  5. You should get that slipperly finger checked out lol
  6. Is it disturbing that my mind went somewhere else just now
  7. Casp you might need to start sub clubs as well
  8. I know where your mind went but where did your finger go 
  9. Up my nose of course
  10. Filthy Aussie 
  11. (>^.^)><(^.^<)
  12. Smelly Fruit
  13. Wifey don't forget special bread with soup.  oh btw i don't approve this thread as a creator of everything. Foot is cool?
  14. It's amazing how many threads I've seen about this type of thing.
  15. Special bread 