Pregnant adult Avis for women who are

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gamer_bae03, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. I mean... would I personally use a pregnant avi? No, probs not. But I think that by requesting a pregnant avi people are looking to have an avi that closely represents them, or something about them. Which is no different than anyone else requesting other avis because they want a specific race, body type etc. that represents them. The only way to make everyone happy would be to make customizable avis, but there’s people that don’t want that either. So 🤷🏻‍♀️
    If you support avi requests that more closely represent the people playing you should support all requests of that kind
    Day likes this.
  2. I had to laugh
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  3. how about n... nah thats actually not a bad idea. itd be better than every single avi they've put out in the last 4 years. although they'll make them trannies and wear rainbows and look dumb af cuz thats what ata does. but you got a good idea
  4. Why need a different thread for this one? There are already other threads where players demand Black/Sporty/Wheelchair avis, you could have suggested in that thread tbh
  5. People want to wear a pregnant avi and tell the world that you're pregnant. And then cry about your privacy being breached?
  6. Support cuz preggo woman fetish m8