I thought.. Get the avi and then trade intrl for chibi... and then you dont get drops after you get avi... so is this gonna be fixed soon?
May or may not be obvious but only combine what you need for the current story. They call for a number "more" than you start it with. *Facepalm*
Or the jock male avi that’s a redhead that you can only get thru a lite or ec box. I just meant there’s not a redhead jock avi you can get thru the story. I guess they could be referring to yours but eh.
Don't combine your Intel in bulk. It won't count for your next quest it gives you. Idk if they're going to fix that or not but I've bulked my Intel collections and I only get credit for what the quest asks for, the rest go off into oblivion.
It does suck they don’t count but if they did some people would have half the new story complete already so kinda makes sense
if i complete the 2nd clique, do i have to wait for the changeover to get the phone call or can i get it immediately?
You wont get drops once you finished the clique you chose, like the normal side stories the drops stops.
First I like the hunt concept, but the drop collecting process is a no no. We didn’t know you’d stop collecting side story drops once you finish and have to wait until the change. We know that now. My issue is i collected 6 intel collection at once. My side story was to collect 3 intel collection. Usually the remaining drops (3 in my case) goes to the next drop item story but it didn’t. It just didn’t count. If i remember from other hunts the remaining drop do not disappear but gets added to the next one, that’s how it works, no?
In the hunts where you have to collect gifts from other people the amount always resets at each level - it’s not really any different to that.