Post Your Club Banner Here ‼️

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by Bird, May 8, 2017.

  1. Naughty hospital, doctor pie at your service
  2. No one wants your service tbh
  3. ? I actually need places to visit now
  4. ^ the secret reasoning behind the thread
  5. Not so secret anymore. ?
  6. ♧■♧■♧■♧■♧■♧■
  7. Cow tippers is actually quite cool 
  8. ?Party_Startez?
    ?3ᴋᴄs ᴛᴏ ᴘᴇʀᴍ?
    ?5 ᴋᴄs ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇʀᴄ?
    ↪B2B Parties↩
  9. Sapnupuas
    Party Club
    ?B2B POTD?
  10. The Pheonix Rose
    18+, Any KCS
    ?B2B POTD?
  11. Babes Penthouse

    What are we looking for?

    • Active Players who are willing to grow, Our current Minimum is 20kcs.THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANYTIME PLEASE CHECK OUR CLUB WALL FOR STAT REQS
    • We are currently looking for an in house cat/Kini seller Message Myself, The president, or Vice President and we would be happy to discuss it
    • We are looking for people who are willing to help us make this a B2B cat cafe and FCC club

    So Why Babes penthouse?

    • We are a party club
    • We are currently searching for more Admins to cover more timezones, so there are chances to move up in our club(Just don't ask or harass us about other)
    • Yes we are a Anything goes rp club except for suicide and death rp and if asked to you'll need to go to PM
    • We are currently pushing and expanding ourselves to be a B2B cat club and FCC club
    • We do our best to help each other however we can!

    What do we not want

    • We don't want people who are disrespectful
    • We do not want people who will not actively engage in club chat or follow our rules
    • This is not a sitting house for retired/Retiring or Alts if you plan to join us with any account you will be responsible for being active and keeping up with activity checks

    Thank you for your time!
    Babes Penthouse house Admin team!
  12. 7
    ?6mcs ?