Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlIllVash-The-StampedelIlIllI, Sep 5, 2017.

  1. Post your avatar/design idea here
    Try posting designs in form of pictures and sketches and not just verbally explain them in long paragraphs
    here's mine :)
  2. I see a dog or ?
  3. I’m fairly sure that’s some anime guy holding a dog, who seems to be in pleasure
  4. he's screwing the dog... beastiality 
  5. The poor dog 
  6. You’ve just been censored nubby
  7. My guess is that, OP's avi is gonna be the only one in this thread. Prove me wrong y'all

    Let's make this a good thread, go go go
  8. I hate drawing hands :(
    makememoan291 and -_Hope_- like this.
  9. Oh my
  10. Meet Sasha ?

    Waiting for ATA to copy this idea this is the best idea ever
  11. Best. Avatar. Ever.
  12. I honestly love it. We need more of this.
  13. So when is this gonna be available in the store?
  14. Looks like it took alot of time and effort to make, good job.
  15. Thank you all very much ? It took me some time but I am very pleased with the outcome ?
  16. Could you possibly make a male version? I request blue hair please.
  17. Support 10/10 much dank
  18. I hate drawing hands too.You draw beautiful eyes though.