Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Ha10is giving false info 
  2. Is it necessary to finish the whole job set the plays the thing in order to get the 5b or can we just complete the plays the thing to get the 5b?
  3. Just complete that job
  4. Omg like seriously I did the whole set and now I'm on the 5b job and actually just the job? Omg
  5. I feel so foolish
  6. The misc percentage bonus is percentage from tutor bonus misc bonus or just tutor bonus
  7. Tutor bonus and misc bonus**
  8. How can u earn money fast?
  9. If you're not overpriced (for your stays at least) then getting volleyed is good. Once you're overpriced for your stats, then you do vollies with another person.
  10. I want to be volleyed but no one wants to.....
  11. PISAY, I don't think people want to volley you because you are quite a bit overpriced...
  12. Best way to get a volley is join a club that's volleys, or do lots if jobs and upgrade to meet your price .
  13. Thanks guys
  14. No Problem we are all here to help
  15. How do we benefit from MISC BONOUS I have plenty of it but don't see the benefit of it???

  16. Misc. Has no bonus it just speakers which you can use to talk on WC