Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. The strength bonus and intelligence bonus is your stats.

    The max bonus is related to your price, the higher the price, the higher the max bonus
  2. How much is a t4 crew
  3. A t4 upgraded to level 4 costs 3.7 bil.
  4. Lilmoo is correct lvl 1 is 600mill though
    BigBJudy likes this.
  5. Level 1 - 600 mil
    Level 2 - 850 mil
    Level 3 - 1.05 bil
    Level 4 - 2 bil
  6. Woah ok thanks
  7. Lilmoo is on a role
    BigBJudy likes this.
  8. I will be posting a guide with the stats and prices of everything within the next few days
    BigBJudy likes this.
  9. Bump
    BigBJudy likes this.
  10. I need help with upgrading my 225k dorms. I got 12 and all are at level 4. not sure if I should evict all then upgrade. I'm so confused.
  11. How much does it cost for a t4 to upgrade
  12. T4 PRICES
    Level 1 - 600 mil
    Level 2 - 850 mil
    Level 3 - 1.05 bil
    Level 4 - 1.2 bil

    All together 3.7 bil
  13. Um I've got a question to ask but I don't wanna get muted
  14. Then ask _warrior in pm
  15. Come on devs sticky this
  16. Lol ask me
    BigBJudy likes this.
  17. Should I do it on here
  18. You can ask me in pms if you want
  19. Ok that sounds good
    BigBJudy likes this.