Well Incase you want to upgrade you start from the home page click dorms scroll down to see who or what dorms you can buy and upgrade and that's it . Home>Dorms>click a dorm any dorm> Click upgrade
If you wish to become a moderator, send an email to support@athinkingape.com explaining... •Why you think you would be a good moderator •What you have down to help the community(making guides, answer questions) •Do you report violators of the ToU to mods or devs •What region your from(asia, north America, oceania, etc) •Have you been silenced or violated ToU in any other way •game name: PimD •Your name in game
Hey warrior I've been scrolling through quite a number of pages and I must say this is awesome!! Keep up the good work!! Anyway, I wanna ask if scolding or using of profanities in another language is also considered as bypassing?? Saw some person posting Malay vulgurs on cc just now. P.s You are awesome!!
That is not bypassing, but it could be considered excessive profanity. I didn't see it so I do not know for sure whether it was a violation of the Terms of Use or not. Whether the moderator silences or warns for excessive profanity that doesn't bypass the filter is really at their discretion. If they did bypass then they must silence the user.
Well he uses words that are recognize by the campus, words like a mothers reproductive organs and so on and so forth. Well thanks for your time anyway
How do you do this ____________________________________ By Rexy Sun Dec 5,04:04 PM Hey Flame Your Awesome
cs is Combined Stats: how to calculate it; go to your profile and add your intelligence and strength together. for example 16900 strength 16900 intelligence= 33800 combined stats
They possibly just mean 5088cs . No k intended. It's a popular build of usually 2544/2544. It's also commonly just known as 5kcs because who wants to say 5.088kcs?