Getting new T3 is better boosts your stats more taking down a T2 which is less stats than a T3. Upgrading to lvl 4 is not jumping much. Get a new T3 much better. Ꮬ ᎠᎬᎷᏫᏁ ᏰᏬᏁᏁᎽ Ꮬ
Go to your store and scroll to the bottom under defense items and permant items. You have to have a certain number of dorms bought to buy each one
Wrong echo. By being silenced once your chances of being mod/RA go down. I have been in recent contact with the devs and they say they screen all applicants for previous offenses and such. Every time you get silenced or break the ToU/ToS it decreases your chance on becoming a mod/RA.
Bunny: the mod Rusty was either forum banned or perm. silenced before he was asked to be a mod. Yep. Didn't apply, he was asked
Yeah phia? Didn't know. Well I said decreases your chances not totally puts you out of the running. And chances are he wasnt asked. He sent in an application and the devs accepted him and they aasked him if he wanted to be a RA. That's how it works.
No. It isn't always send in an application then they award you of the decide too. It's also showing that you know the game well, just acting like Warrior for example.