A very good way to make money is by volleying. This is when two or more people hire one person back and forth. In a volley everyone makes a profit. The person that is being hired back and forth get money from being hired. The two people also get money from the tutor being hired away from them. The only downside to this is that one person must keep the tutor until the tutor sells.
Speakers What are speakers? Speakers are used to talk on Campus Chat. How to get speakers? You can speakers by 2 different ways. 1) Speaker Regeneration If you have the 90 day achievement then you will get 2 speakers everyday with the max of 3. 2) Extra Credits You can exchange extra credits for speakers. For 1 Extra Credit you get 1 Speaker. You can find this by going to the store and scrolling right down to the bottom. How to get Extra Credits? There are 2 ways to get Extra Credits. 1) Jobs Jobs give you a 2% chance of getting an extra credit. 2) In-App Purchases In-App Purchases can be bought with real money. You can find the option to buy these by going on Store and pressing on the Nurse.
Will i get silienced if i post on campus asking for peoples Gamertag on Xbox to play with me? Idk if that againist ToU or not...
To block/unfollow someone go to their profile. It has four blue buttons - stats, awards, tutors, and social. Hit social. You'll be given the option to block and unfollow there.
To make money you can complete jobs, farm inactive players, or do volleys. Yoy unlock more jobs every time you complete so many until you've unlocked them all. You can always redo jobs. You also can earn doctors notes and extra credits from jobs. Farming is hitting the same player 5 or more times in 24 hours. Do not farm active players, it isn't tolerated in the game and is considered very rude at the least. Always fight someone with slightly less stats then you, you can ask people for names of good farms. Hiring a tutor will allow you to earn more money per hit because it gives you a tutor bonus. I find that if you hit 3/4 times and then wait to regen a few mins and repeat this you earn alot more in a shorter period - you always earn the most cash when you are fully renegerated and if you're at 0 it takes about an hour to fully regen, so this method seems to be better. Lastly volleys are the best way to earn money. Starting off doing volleys you should look on campus for people posting 'I'm new' or 'hire me'. Volley them , but don't go over 100mil usually or you may end up keeping. If you didn't know - volleying is when two or more people hire a tutor over and over again. The tutor's hire value goes up each time creating profit for the buyer ( the tutor earns money too ) but someone will have to keep the tutor in the end. In that case it's better to own active upgrading tutors.