Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Yep
    You would lose your name
    And money

    You keep doc and extra credits
  2. I see~ Alrights! Thanks for the info!
  3. No problemo
  4. You would keep your achievements too right
  5. Lol! Warrior totally got pwned by LilMoo!
  6. Can you delete friends? If so, how?
  7. Go to their profile, click the social button, then click unfollow.
  8. How can i delete the green/red dot which shows other players i am on/off line?
  9. You can unfollow all of your followers
  10. U can change campus??  (asia campus and USA campus) idk if it's true... So can u?
  11. I dint think so
  12. It is possible to change campus, you must go from
    Asia or non English speaking countries to England, US, or Canada (Asian campus to English campus) or from England, US, or Canada to Asia or non English speaking countries.
  13. Or some people can do it by simply switching from wifi to 3G on orange network or some other networks as they use Asian servers.
  14. Or sometimes you get switched randomly and you have no control over this.
  15. True true Lil
  16. I can't reset my account. Why not?? I made a mistake about the username.
  17. How can I Reset?

    If you want to reset you must email the support team at

    In the email you include:
    Your Profile name
    What app it is that you want to reset on
    Why you want to reset
    When you started
    When was your last purchase if any
    Your geographic position
  18. What is a volley??