Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. What's happening with the milk pails? I never got to 50 for the quest but now I'm guessing I'm gonna get 50. Can ATA gift me back all those quest rewards???
  2. Theres only 1 reward for 50 milk. But the devs didnt relize how hard the task would be. Thats why they are re running all the parties from the full duration of the event to give a increased drop rate. Anyone who has 50+ pails by the end of it will manually get the cow bed sent to them by the devs. Until then just gotta wait for the parties to finish running thru
    Muschi and Ariel6 like this.
  3. Perf. Thank u so much.
    Muschi likes this.
  4. How to I get story pass coins?
  5. You get them by completing different sections of the here lies the truth story pass, unfortunately if you don’t already have it the pass is no longer available to buy from the store
    Muschi likes this.
  6. If I get hit while not being in sfw, and keep my money in the bank afterwards, does that mean my money is safe in the bank if I get hit again or not?
  7. Yes only you can access the money in your bank
    BEARCRUMBS and Muschi like this.
  8. Keeping your money in banks , pimdpiggiBanks, fake cast, etc is loss my friend because when you want the cash back you won't get 100% refund. In piggy bank, you buys 10M for 1 Bank and you will get 7 or 7.5b when you sell.
    I can give you a good idea to get 100% cash refund.

    Make some alt account and link them with your mail. So you can open them later.

    Now if you wana hide cash just send 10B or 5B or 2.5B cash gifts to your alts, but don't accept them ok😋. When ever you wana get cash back just login and reject them . You will get 100% cashback. You can hide 100Billion cash per account.
    Enjoy PIMD💕
  9. Pigs take 25%
    Bank takes 20%

    0% is better for sure. But when you in a rush to protect cash sometimes bank is good.
    Even better when you forget its there then go to use it again and find you rich. That scenario happened to me once and it gave me enough to be able to put my money on getting a new dorm mate instead
  10. It happens every day. I unload on jobs to get weak. Gets enough to to hide cash. Dipositing full cast in bank in rush is definitely great choice but if you do it multiple times.........💸
    BEARCRUMBS likes this.
  11. Is there any thread exists to address forum readers to know where to post what?
  12. Tap menu. And look at the sections. They each give a description of what they are for. Or look from when you 1st load up forums
  13. How much does it (roughly)cost to stay in T1 on leader board or in the t10? The hunt LB. I’m having a debate right now and all I’m getting is silly responses 😵‍💫
  14. Btw all you rich folks or PIMD math nerds wall me your answers
  15. Easiest way is probly to ask the people there. If they are willing to say how much they spending. But id say easy hundreds a day
    flameSy likes this.
  16. But not available to everyone 🥹
  17. so what do the stats in the items mean? i have a lot of items with str and int stats but dk what they do as they dont really add any to the cs. I have a 3 boxing gloves with 1m str and i just dk where that goes to. also, why does my cs bar up top say more than 700k each, but on my profile it only says around 20k each? like under the pupil section. sorry im very new to the game
  18. Its misc stats. It helps make you stronger so you can hit parties and other players easier
  19. I have 800 Capricorn zodiac avatar shards. im trying to buy the avatar activator but it says im unable to. :(
  20. You have Capricorn Magic shards. And you need to buy Magical horoscope shard activator. Its in the last where all the activator r there. Activator almost looks same golden colour like the shard.
    Ryan likes this.