Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Hire me ^^ 🫶
  2. Ask campus
  3. You’re kinda op 😂
    Lumi likes this.
  4. Sooo why didn’t I get the stat item from cat cafe?
  5. Its a random drop not a garunteed drop
  6. Why can't I send massage to people again
  7. Coz you broke the rules
  8. I did. But it's perm. I can't log into my acc
  9. Ata got rid of threaded replys so idk what this is about but if its perm and you have tried a help ticket then theres nothing you can do about it. Read the rules of the game and dont break them again if you dont want it to happen again
  10. So I'm quite new to the game and with each hunt I see there's 8 avis available...but only see them in lite boxes and avi boxes...there's still another 4 idk where to find.....where can I find em?
  11. There’s 4 on the leaderboard so usually 2 (m/f) non vip for t100 and 4 which are non-vip and vip versions for t10 - as well as that you’ll get the others from further side stories as the hunt goes on
    Iriesa likes this.
  12. If you dont see them in the boxes or from the 1st/2nd side story avi box then they are a leaderboard prize and from 3rd/4th side story
    Iriesa likes this.
  13. So do you upgrade the other tiers
  14. It's more cost effective to switch to a dormmate that's in a higher tier than to upgrade, so no you don't need to
  15. How do you know which ones to pick though?
  16. If you have tier 1 exchange for tier 3.
    If you have tier 3 exchange for tier 5.
    If you have tier 5 exchange for tier 7.......

    Leveling up dorm mates is a waste of time unless you are maxed out on the final tier dorm mates in all rooms
    Iriesa likes this.
  17. Honestly thank you so much for explaining it that makes so much sense 🙏
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  18. So… this email I’ve been defaulted to for forums specifically, how am I supposed to know the password if I never made the account, and how are you supposed to change the password if you can’t access this random email account in the first place?
    Kefo likes this.
  19. Forums are linked to your pimd account if you are trying to access forums through web browser you are unable to. The only way you can access them as a player is through the app which you should already be logged in to since it’s your account
  20. I'm new, which partys do we gift the dropper for?