I need help. My club is no sfw but it’s in a sfw to only admins and pjs and I’m a pj.. what do I do? It’s not fair and I want to leave
Ignore the hits and learn to protect yourself. Hit back. Or leave the club and find a new 1. No sfw just means they dont want people who are in sfw to join the club. It doesnt mean farmers cant decide to farm the club
Hey I can’t seem to set or change a password, I used my Apple ID to create my account but never set up an email so I’m a bit lost
hi, maybe it's a wrong thread but i bought 18 lite boxes for tokens today, the purchase was successfull but i didn't open any boxes right away now i see that i only have four (two from party drops, one as a free gift from molly's and i have no idea where did this fourth one come from) is there a way to get those 17 lost lite boxes back ?
heyy ! can someone explain me what red rabbit envelopes (ecs gift) do? is there a limited offer in molly’s shop only for players who accepted this gift? or..?