Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. You cant gift ec. But if you tap on the box you can see everything in it. This goes for all boxes. Theres also a thread by ata every hunt that shows everything the hunt has
  2. Theres nothing important. There are probly hundreds of starter clubs. You randomly get put into 1 of them. Its so you can get started a bit easier. You get auto kicked after a certain amount of time or once you reach a certain level of stats. Cant remember what coz ive always left before it got to that. But yehh.

    You are at a stat level where you should be able to find a proper club now tho if you want to. Ask around campus and pub. You want a b2b potd club if partying and collecting the hunt items is how you want to play your game. But stay where you are until you see a club you like. So then you arnt left clubless. Coz it is still hard for noobs to get into clubs
  3. I didn't say you gift ec. I said you can gift for ec. There is this ec gift "haunted furniture box" and i try to find out which furniture exactly can drop from it
  4. You can find these items in the box they are 99ec and 69ec items ☺️
    Confusing_Cute and Lumi like this.
  5. Save your phone
  6. Thanks a lot
    Leigh likes this.
  7. to the left of the party bars while during a party is a green bar that goes up as you hit. what is that green bar ?
  8. The progress bar of the party. It only moves as your club hits last bar tho. I think it was intended to track the full party but then has never been fixed to do that so idk
  9. Is it better to go from tier 7 dorm mates to tier 9 or skip to tier 11?
    --i know this question has definitely been answered before, i just can’t find it :(
  10. 7 to 9. Unless you feel like spending the next 3 years saving up for 1 dorm mate coz tier 11 is 7t. Took me 8 months to get my 1st 1t for a reference
    Fungi likes this.
  11. I need a price check for the mardi gras furniture, I have all but the 999
  12. What’s so special about Black Friday on this game? I see pre bookings to Black Friday and I hear about people raving about it. Can anyone elaborate?
  13. Hypno cats are half price in the store. Care packs become available for sale. And theres x5 payout on all premium parties (excluding kini). Add a amp and carepack and its a HUGE payout from parties.

    It is the best time of year to fast track upgrading. Be quick if you want to get into a club for a session as most are already full.
    Ideally you want to start looking into booking a session 6-8 weeks in advance if you are wanting to join 1.

    Note: this will be the 1st year money dogs exist during black friday so no one knows what will happen with them. In terms of if they will be cheaper or whatever as well. But i think its safe to say they will be included in the x5 payout boost at the very least
    Blueaholic likes this.
  14. To add on dogs were included last years bf, the payout was 5x for them too and they had their own black Dog Star party. Unfortunately they weren’t on sale for a cheaper price though

    they also have constant offers available for you to buy so a lot of people save and if they’re going to spend money will spend it on the bf offers
    GoddessHailey and Blueaholic like this.
  15. I was sure dogs were added not long after promo ended but sweet as
  16. how do i get labyrinth boxes? i cant upgrade any of my furni bc no knobs, springs, etc. i’ve only ever gotten 1. it’s very annoying
  17. You get them as a random drop from parties. They are with timer boxes.

    But the best way to get recycle pieces is to recycle unwanted furniture of the same spot
  18. Hi I wanna ask if someone here knows or already experience account suspension due to "Alt abuse". I just want to ask since it is only a 'suspension' and not totally 'banned', is it only temporary? If it is, then how many days of suspension possibly could be?
  19. Expelled/suspension means its permanent if ATA didn't mentioned any time or Date.
  20. Its permanent. Stop making a excessive amount of alts and you wont have a issue