Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. If you have screenshots of rules being broken in a public channel you can contact a mod and let them know.
  2. Tecnicly no one over the internet can force anyone to harm themself. Its a decision that person makes on their own. But just block the people then they cant talk to you. If this game is not good for your mental health then leave the game ad find something else to do. There will always be fuckwits where ever you go. Gotta learn to just deal with it and move on. Cant blame it fully on them. Gotta take some responsibility and take yourself out of the situation if its not safe for you to be in that situation
    Kefo likes this.
  3. what does potd mean?
  4. Party of the day 😊
  5. I See thankyou :p
  6. What is mcs and how do you trade it
  7. Its just stat items that are 1mcs or higher. And you trade it like anything else
  8. I am unable to reply to the ticket i raised, and i am not able to raise new ticket as well
  9. Do you have to be wearing an avatar to get ifs effects?
  10. Yes.
  11. Anyone a clue for how much i can sell an bff box drop ? 😅🙈
  12. Depends what you got. Like a bb item is worth way less then a 999
  13. What bars do Intel and strength hit best?
  14. If it's purely based on dmg for each bar, Snark/Peace-sign/Fight/High-Five bars are the best (higher dmg) for Strength-builds. The other bars are all Intel-based.
    If we're talking abt which bars to hit for higher payout/drops, cash bars > non-cash irregardless of build
  15. Why Katappa killed Bahubali?
  16. Hey Mods and Community!

    I’d love a straight forward answer from someone that actually works from the ATA if Phantom Armored Bat shards are still combinable into becoming the associated avatar?
  17. We don’t “work” for ATA per say…but yes they do still automatically combine.
    Campus, MerryMara and Atlas like this.
  18. If you only want a response from ata then you need to send a help ticket
    MerryMara likes this.
  19. I have a friend who rsed a random in pub. She didn't warn him they were in sfw, and when she was confronted she told him he could break rs.... Now he's being threatened by a bigger stat for breaking the rs bcz they don't want a sfw rs.... Is that against rules? I can't find the dang rules in sfw anywhere.