Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. I received a july box in a spin but its not showing up in my items. Why not?
    Grace15623 likes this.
  2. Its a timer box not a standard box. Its in your timer box thing. If you still dont see it in there then reload your game
  3. @ATA-Will I support by watching ads for tokens. I've been getting nothing in return repeatedly for the last few hours. The screen that comes up after I've watched the ad litterally says "0 prize tokens." Yet before watching the ad it still states that I will recieve 20 tokens each time. This is not a visual glitch, my total amount has not increased in 2 hours. Please help, I'm really missing out.
  4. You'll probably get a quicker more helpful response if u wrote a ticket stating the issue cuz more devs have a chance to see it n resolve it for u vs waiting for one dev to come back online whenever that may be
  5. Make sure your game is up to date
  6. I'd love to do that, Krona but unfortunately I'm unable to start a ticket or reply to one that's still open.from months ago
    I did post in the "bug" section on discord in hopes of a reply or help
  7. You cant reply to it coz it will be closed. The way to fix it is uninstall and reinstall the game. Have to uninstall and reinstall again to see their response and reply to them as well. But good to know its not just me with this bug now. Ive had this bug for i think about 3 years
  8. Pretty much what he/she/they said if that's the case uninstall then reinstall that usually fixes those type of things and tbh most likely what they'll tell u anyways lol if it doesn't fix it at very least should be able to write a ticket after that
  9. Can someone explain what Bentos and Chibis are?
  10. Can someone explain what Bentos and Chibis are?
  11. How much is the badlands '999' worth these days
  12. Chibis little figurines with stats that you can get from the spinner wheel. When you get one of each of the 4 chibis in a particular set, they combine to create a bento.
  13. Need 10 of each in the set to make a bento not just 1 of each
  14. Thank you for correcting lmao My bad been a long day 😭😂
  15. You algoodz i knew you know it really aha. Just figured better fix it for the noobs
    Ryan likes this.
  16. Call for help!!!!

    Is anyone selling the "Rainbow Lounge Proud Unicron Statue"? Please wall me if you are bc i've been looking for it for ages..
  18. 1-2b
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  19. My account been hacked by @Chity2. She gifted all my stuffs away by herself. And Im asking by wall her to get my stuffs back, she didn’t reply and also blocked me.
  20. Dont give out login info to other people even those you think are your friends.

    The best you can do is make a new email address and send a help ticket asking ata to update your details and for a password reset