Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Glad it helped 💕
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  2. You’re hitting the wrong bar …
  3. Why can’t I find a reasonable plan in the inapp purchases?
  4. All are better value for money then what you would pay if you got them seperately. But if its not worth your money then dont spend money on the game. It is possible to play without spending a cent
  5. Hi! I'm sort of new and this is my first Black Friday. I would like to know what will be on sale. EC? The store furniture? Dogs/cats? And if the dogs and cats are on special could someone please let me know more or less go many ec each will be. Many thanks 💜🤞🏻
  6. Cats are half price. Care packs are for sale in the store. And its a x5 payout. So if you add a care pack onto that then you get x10 payout. If you add a amp to that then you get even more.

    This is the 1st year dogs will have existed for black friday but i think its safe to assume they will also be half price or have some sort of discount.

    Stock up on ec, dns, amps and care packs ready for the promo. It lasts the full weekend
  7. What’s the most efficient way to make cash during the bf weekend? Lb hopping? Flashes? Soloing?

    How many dns minimum would be needed to make soloing worthwhile? (50mcs)
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  8. It depends on how many dns you have soloing is always the best way to earn cash but it takes around 50 to complete the cat party solo, it you have enough id definitely recommend soloing. If you don’t have many then do lb hopping you’ll still get the benefits of the drops/money compared to flashes, I personally think you should only really flash for hunt drops rather than money because it’s not the best way to earn cash
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  9. Hi. I'm also new with this bf hunt. What time does the hunt starts?
  10. BF hunt starts when this hunt ends (U can check the timer to see how many hours are left till next hunt). And that'll be on 26th Nov 6am PST/ 9am EST/ 10pm SGT (or an equivalent of whatever ur tz is)
    -ShadowWolf and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  11. Do they stay in inventory after BF?
  12. Yeah once purchased you keep them ☺️
  13. Yes
  14. can you tell me how to buy something from other players?? this is my biggest question.. and also what is “5b:1c” means???
  15. Bonuses don't multiply, they add

    if its a 5x promo with cp with vip and monthly cash subscription then its
    x + x(cp) + 4x(5x promo) + .5(vip & monthly sub) = 6.5x
    summerglow and ALittleBirdie like this.
  16. Trading
  17. how is the trading works? can please someone explain cus im lost
  18. Your tutorial showed you
  19. Nvm. Start a new account instead of buying accounts to try get ahead. And learn the game a bit from the tutorial
  20. You wall someone to show interest in trading and make an offer on their item(s) then you both add each other once a deal is reached or just to keep negotiating in pm. Inside pms, there are double facing arrows in the bottom left corner. Pressing it opens the trade window which allows you to select items to trade. Item selection and approval from both sides completes the trade.

    I’m assuming what you saw was probably “5bb:1c” which is for someone to declare they are either selling or buying 5 buddy box items for a chibi.