Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Only a max of 4 can be used on a party. Its a collective 4 not 4 per person. So that theres still some challenge. Otherwise you could just have like a 3653 day party or some shit
  2. D͙i͙d͙ t͙h͙e͙ c͙h͙a͙n͙g͙e͙o͙v͙e͙r͙ t͙i͙m͙e͙ c͙h͙a͙n͙g͙e͙ f͙r͙o͙m͙ 12p͙m͙ P͙a͙c͙i͙f͙i͙c͙ t͙o͙ 11a͙m͙?
  3. Changeover time is still 12pm Pacific. It was daylight savings a few days ago so the clock went backwards 1 hour for Pacific time. More info here as well. 😊
  4. O͙h͙ o͙k͙a͙y͙. T͙h͙e͙ "c͙o͙m͙p͙l͙e͙t͙e͙ a͙ p͙a͙r͙t͙y͙" t͙a͙s͙k͙ j͙u͙s͙t͙ s͙t͙a͙r͙t͙e͙d͙ e͙a͙r͙l͙y͙ t͙o͙d͙a͙y͙ t͙h͙e͙n͙. T͙h͙a͙n͙k͙s͙.
  5. Yes, it should be fixed end of this hunt. So next hunt the task should start at 12pm like usual 😌
  6. [​IMG]

    Anyone know why this is? It usually says your action has no effect
  7. Its always done this. Idk why. Its the only party it does it for
    Hoal likes this.
  8. This has gotta be the most annoying party ever lmaoooooo
  9. Can someone please explain to me in the most dumbed-down way possible or figure out what time changeover is for my timezone? My timezone is AST (GMT-4) and I can’t for the life of me figure out the conversion for my zone..
  10. CO is at 12pm PST, so translated to AST, that'd be 4pm (on the same day). Essentially, you're 4h ahead of pacific tz (GMT-8)
  11. I just noticed my dorms in the top left corner is flashing what does that mean?
  12. Nothing. Just a weird animation to make it look more interesting i guess
    bean_ie and x_Destiny_x like this.
  13. My question is, why isn’t it easier to get good furnitures out of boxes we use our keys to open and why must the boxes take so long before they count down and my third and last one is, why isn’t the inapp purchase better than it is, more options for what we want to be bought?
    bean_ie likes this.
  14. 1. If it was easy to get good furni then people wouldnt feel as much of a need to keep buying keys. Which means less money for ata.

    2. Boxes dont take that long for me. Make sure your game is up to date. Try ckearing your cache. Clear some stuff from your phone to clear up space (unused apps, photos, messages). It all helps reduce lag.

    3. Ata cant read peoples minds. If you have things in mind you want to be able to buy for real money in the shop then send a ticket with your ideas. And make a thread to guage interest. If theres enough interest ata will be more likely to do it
    bean_ie likes this.
  15. Someone please lmk how to upload an Imgur image!

    I looked at the instructions from the This is Halloween and Drawtober contests for reference, but somehow my image just isn’t displaying(my attempt is in the Test Thread). I had also tried to reference the post above me in there to copy the code formats once it has an image displayed, but it still didn’t work. Help!
  16. The instructions should work, make sure the image link you’re putting up is the one that ends in the file type eg .jpg, .png, .gif etc not the link to the library if it doesn’t end with a file type it won’t work when posting it on forums 💕
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  17. Oh snap, my image was missing the file type when I copied it. How do I go about getting the file type to display? Do I need to convert it? It was a screenshot of a help ticket that I want to share on the Daily XC thread
  18. You gotta make sure that you share the direct link to the pic instead of the one from the album.

    If you're on the post album, you'll see that at the bottom of the pic, it'll state the no. of views the post has, and the link has /a/ in it and doesn't end w an img file type. That's not what we want.

    Make sure you tap on the pic again, after selecting the single pic/album you uploaded. This is what ur screen should look like when u select the pic itself. Note that there's a cross on the top left of the screen that allows u to exit from this picture and that the link you get has .jpg (or any img file variation) at the back. Now this is the link that you'll need. When you get back to forums, tap on the landscape icon and paste the link into the link box and viola, you're done. No additional coding is required.

    I'm on android, so if you're on IOS, the UI might be a little different but you'll probably have to go about it in a similar way. Hopefully this helps!
    MayaTheHopeful and Leigh like this.
  19. I can’t believe all I was missing was that tapping the image again part @Iriesa mentioned. Because of @Leigh, my eye was out for that image file type and voila, there it was.

    I tagged y’all in the thread I uploaded my image and later realized it’s possible you guys have notifs off and wouldn’t necessarily spot it. Just wanted to say thanks on here as well! ❤️
    Iriesa and Leigh like this.